Coming SOON to the White Rock Beach Gallery

6" x 8" | 8.5" x 11" | 13" x 19" | PANO - 4" x 12" | PANO - 6" x 18"

6″ x 8″ Photo Prints have a 5″x7″ Image & Text

DRIVE SMART – Don’t drive the Hills of White Rock, BC when it is SNOWING or FREEZING

If you live in White Rock/Vancouver BC or even Seattle, Washington stay away from steep hills when it is snowing, snow covered or with black ice or ice from freezing temperatures. We have seen many people coming down or going up, or even doing donuts on snow or ice covered streets.  Consider travelling the bus routes as they are usually clear, sanded, and salted and just SLOW DOWN. Many people think snow tires give them super traction. Your car, truck or SUV on a snow or ice covered hill is no match for ice and gravity – see the videos below.  

White Rock BC Photo Restoration  Ric Wallace can bring FADED or partially lost PHOTOS back to LIFE
Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.


Domain FOR SALE –

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