Ambassador Photos

Want to be famous and shown on our website as a Goodwill Ambassador for White Rock Beach?

Send us an email TO THE ADDRESS ON THE ABOVE CARD with a photo of you holding a postcard or greeting card. You can also post it on Twitter and email us the link.

We ill display your photo on the  White Rock Beach Goodwill Ambassadors Photo-gallery page.


kenya-loves-whiterock2Welcome to the White Rock Beach Goodwill Ambassadors Gallery, where we feature people who are displaying our postcards, greeting cards, magnets Lucky Mini White Rocks and Lucky Coins.

These are some of the current White Rock Beach & Crescent Beach POSTCARD retailers that we maintain the cards, meaning BEST SELECTION :
    1. Buy Online - We ship worldwide
    2. The White Rock Beach Gallery - Waterfront Promenade Gallery – (weather permitting)
    3. Mr White Rock - Ric Wallace 604-259-0105 - VISA, MasterCard, Debit & CASH
    4. Beaches Swimwear 14885 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C2
    5. Sunnyside Evergreen Pharmacy - 2397 King George Blvd. Surrey BC V4A 5A4
    6. Pier Souvenirs  - 14969 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C3
    7. The Snappy Corner Store LTD.  - 1117 Vidal Street, White Rock BC V4B 3T4
NOTE: Some retailers will have limited POSTCARD selections due to space. Please support the above local businesses that support our efforts. arrow-bar[1]