SEND THE BEST – Postcards & Greeting Cards


These are some of the current White Rock Beach & Crescent Beach greeting cards retailers that we maintain the cards, meaning BEST SELECTION :
    1. Buy Online - We ship worldwide
    2. The White Rock Beach Gallery - Waterfront Promenade Gallery – (weather permitting)
    3. Mr White Rock - Ric Wallace 604-259-0105 - VISA, MasterCard, Debit & CASH
    4. Beaches Swimwear 14885 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C2
    5. Sunnyside Evergreen Pharmacy - 2397 King George Blvd. Surrey BC V4A 5A4
    6. Pier Souvenirs  - 14969 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C3
NOTE: Some retailers will have limited Greeting card selections due to space. Please support the above local businesses that support our efforts. arrow-bar[1]
These are some of the current White Rock Beach & Crescent Beach greeting cards retailers that we maintain the cards, meaning BEST SELECTION :
  1. - Buy Online - We ship worldwide.

  2. The White Rock Beach Gallery - Waterfront Promenade Gallery – Artist Walk Outside (weather permitting)
  3. Mr White Rock - 604-259-0105 - Purchase directly from Ric Wallace - VISA, MasterCard, debit or Cash
  4. Beaches Swimwear 14885 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C2
  5. Sunnyside Evergreen Pharmacy 2397 King George Blvd. Surrey BC V4A 5A4
NOTE: Some retailers will have limited postcard selections due to space. Please support the above local businesses that support our efforts. arrow-bar[1]

The White Rock Beach Gallery


Shop Online 23-7-365

Postcards Greeting Cards Magnets
Photo Prints Poster Prints Framed Prints
Acrylic Prints Canvas Prints HD Metal Prints
Wall Art or larger items available for local pickup or delivery when NOT OPEN at the White Rock Beach waterfront promenade.

We have the LARGEST selection of White Rock / South Surrey / Wildlife of Canada / / Postcards –  GreetingCards – 300+ designs.
Located just west of the White Rock Train Station (weather and time permitting)

6" x 8" | 8.5" x 11" | 13" x 19" | PANO - 4" x 12" | PANO - 6" x 18"

6″ x 8″ Photo Prints have a 5″x7″ Image & Text

White Rock Beach Greeting Cards & Postcards FOR SALE @ Beaches Swimwear

White Rock Beach Greeting Cards & Postcards are now FOR SALE @ Beaches Swimwear. With 48 pockets – 480 Greeting Cards, & 1,000 Postcards they have the largest selection and are open for business 6 days a week on Marine Drive, at White Rock Beach, BC CANADA. 


We specialize in swimwear for Ladies, Men and Children. Over 10,000 swimsuits in stock including many designer brands to choose from. Large selection of cover-ups, bags, footwear, goggles, hats and other beach accessories.  Once you shop at our store, you will not shop anywhere else for a swimsuit so give us a try and have the best experience ever in purchasing the perfect swimsuit for your body type. 

Serving our customers from the same White Rock, BC location for over 30 years, we have the largest selection of designer swimwear in ladies sizes from 4 to 26.  We also carry bra sized swimwear from D cup to JJ cup in bikinis, tankinis, separates and one piece swimsuits. Visit our store for the biggest selection of swimsuits under one roof and our personal fitters will find the right swimsuit for you – guaranteed!   

 We are a swimwear store like no other. Unlike stores offering limited selection in sizes and styles, we offer a HUGE selection of swimsuits for every body shape and size. Whether you are looking for a polyester swimsuit to withstand the chlorine in your local pool or you need that perfect swimsuit for your vacation, or you need a post mastectomy swimsuit, WE HAVE IT. Our customers come from as far as West Vancouver and Chilliwack because they know they will find the right swimsuit at our store. Our personal fitters will ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your swimsuit purchase because we’ve been doing this for over 30 years.

The White Rock Beach Gallery is open weather and time permitting only, but Beaches Swimwear has longer hours & is open more days in a week making them worthwhile for checking out our greeting cards & magnets. The nice people at Beaches Swimwear are supporting us by selling our greeting cards & postcards. Need some new Swimwear for that boat cruise or trip to Hawaii, etc ? Why not come to White Rock Beach and see if they have something you like. It is also a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to explore AMAZING WHITE ROCK and grab lunch or dinner and stroll along Canada’s Longest Pier.

Ric Wallace will have his  10′ x 10′ tent set up west of the White Rock Museum under the Artist Walk program weather & his time schedule permitting.

Below are some of the White Rock Beach Greeting Cards available (subject to change with seasons & space) at Beaches Swimwear @ White Rock Beach.



Greeting Cards

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