The White Rock Beach Gallery


Shop Online 23-7-365

Postcards Greeting Cards Magnets
Photo Prints Poster Prints Framed Prints
Acrylic Prints Canvas Prints HD Metal Prints
Wall Art or larger items available for local pickup or delivery when NOT OPEN at the White Rock Beach waterfront promenade.

We have the LARGEST selection of White Rock / South Surrey / Wildlife of Canada / / Postcards –  GreetingCards – 300+ designs.
Located just west of the White Rock Train Station (weather and time permitting)

6" x 8" | 8.5" x 11" | 13" x 19" | PANO - 4" x 12" | PANO - 6" x 18"

6″ x 8″ Photo Prints have a 5″x7″ Image & Text

Plans of eating at any facility or location where food is prepared, stored or served in British Columbia, CANADA?

If you have any plans of eating prepared or stored food in British Columbia, please check out the inspection rating or reports for the Health Unit responsible for your safety.

Since we live in the area covered by the Fraser Health Authority we have a link you can check out.


Vancouver Coastal Health does a better job of restaurant & food safety

Please review their report listings – CLICK HERE

About Vancouver Coastal health inspections

Inspections are conducted on a regular basis and when complaints are received. Each visit generates an inspection report that is provided to the operator to either confirm that they are compliant with regulations, or to inform them that they are required to address deficiencies.

Repeat offenders or restaurants with NO inspections in the HOT summer months like July and August have a greater risk to your health. How a restaurant handles their waste, frequency of pickup should be a decision factor.

Restaurant reviews online with high ratings can be easily falsified. Personal experience from people you know have a greater reflection of any business in any industry.

DISCLAIMER: We make no claim all reports found at the above link contain up-to-date information. Please read the disclaimers on the sites containing the reports.  If you see / photograph any unhealthy environment such as rats, flies, maggots, or other pests, garbage or food not refrigerated, or having been sick after eating at a food establishment please contact the local health unit and city officials where the food establishment is located. Restaurants are commonly sold many times and reports for previous owners may not be the practices of current owners. Making an informed decision of where you eat

Maggot Facts: Where They Come From and Getting Rid of Them

White Rock BC Photo Restoration  Ric Wallace can bring FADED or partially lost PHOTOS back to LIFE
Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.

ONLY the White Rock Beach Gallery offers FREE postcards* and a FREE digital photo by ARTographer Ric Wallace

nice-people01These nice ladies smiling at the White Rock Bach Gallery were from WINTERPEG, MosquitoPEG – AKA Winnipeg, Manitoba.

They are going home with some FREE stuff and can save this photo from their trip to White Rock Beach to their Facebook page or other social media. They also purchased some COOL magnets. They can also brag to their friends they are White Rock Beach Goodwill Ambassadors which can only be bestowed upon them by holding a postcard, greeting card, magnet, photo print or canvas print and being photographed by Ric Wallace. It costs nothing, and is totally FREE, just your time to get your photo snapped. *We have created a postcard with some of our information on the back and is offered TOTALLY FREE. You can even list on your resume your newfound title and refer any potential new employer to this site for verification.

White Rock BC Photo Restoration  Ric Wallace can bring FADED or partially lost PHOTOS back to LIFE
Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.

nice-people02 nice-people03 nice-people04[Twitter-06-WinBIG] nice-people05The nice girl in this photo did not speak English, but White Rock Beach POSTCARDS are a universal language – PEOPLE LOVE THEM. These are some of the current White Rock Beach & Crescent Beach greeting cards retailers that we maintain the cards, meaning BEST SELECTION :
    1. Buy Online - We ship worldwide
    2. The White Rock Beach Gallery - Waterfront Promenade Gallery – (weather permitting)
    3. Mr White Rock - Ric Wallace 604-259-0105 - VISA, MasterCard, Debit & CASH
    4. Beaches Swimwear 14885 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C2
    5. Sunnyside Evergreen Pharmacy - 2397 King George Blvd. Surrey BC V4A 5A4
    6. Pier Souvenirs  - 14969 Marine Drive, White Rock BC V4B 1C3
NOTE: Some retailers will have limited Greeting card selections due to space. Please support the above local businesses that support our efforts. arrow-bar[1]